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There are several laws in effect on the islands. Below, you will find information on each law that has been passed and approved by the Government of Elan.

It is important to note that these laws are authorized by the Government of Elan. Police officers, regardless of rank, are not able to alter the fine amounts or prison sentence durations. These are automatically calculated by the government and Prison Custody officers.

Note: Special ordinances are considered sub-laws or rules established for the purpose of ensuring clarity for all. These ordinances support the main laws by providing detailed guidance and protocols to be followed.

Criminal Code (C)

C-§1 Insult

Anyone found guilty of verbally inflicting emotional distress upon another individual shall be liable for a fine of up to $5,000.

C-§2 Threat

Anyone found threatening to commit a crime against another individual or their loved ones shall be subject to a fine of up to $15,000.

C-§3 Emergency call abuse

Anyone who intentionally misuses the 911 emergency call system or fabricates emergency calls to disrupt the operations of government agencies shall be liable for a fine of up to $20,000.

C-§4 Disobeying Police Orders

Anyone who disobeys a directive from an on-duty police officer or attempts to interfere with the officer’s duties shall be subject to a fine of up to $120,000.

C-§5 Resistance against state authority

Anyone found to be actively using force to obstruct or physically assault a public official or citizen shall be liable for a fine of up to $210,000.

C-§6 Theft

Anyone found guilty of unlawfully taking or depriving another person of their property shall be subject to a fine of up to $7,500.

C-§7 Car Theft

Anyone found guilty of unlawfully taking or withholding another person's vehicle shall be subject to a fine of up to $105,000.

C-§8 Robbery

Anyone found guilty of unlawfully taking or withholding another person's property, through threats or acts of violence, shall be subject to a fine of $90,000.

C-§9 Murder

Any individual found guilty of taking another human life shall be classified as a murderer and subject to immediate incarceration. The sentence for murder excludes the possibility of release through monetary payment, ensuring that no offender can avoid serving their prison term.

However, if an individual commits an offense to protect themselves or others from an imminent criminal act that poses a direct threat to life, they will not be subject to prosecution. This applies only if the force used is necessary and proportionate to the danger faced.

C-§10 Mayhem

Should a citizen commit the same offense multiple times during the same incident or after a fine for the initial offense has been settled, the arresting officer has the discretion to escalate the charge for that specific crime to a Mayhem charge. This escalated charge is accompanied by a fine of $275,000.

C-§11 Massive Mayhem

In cases where an individual's actions escalate significantly beyond the already serious offense of Mayhem, either by repeated offenses or by the gravity of a single incident, the charge can be further elevated to Massive Mayhem. This designation is reserved for the most egregious violations that embody a profound disregard for public safety and order. The arresting officer, upon assessing the severity and impact of the actions, may impose this heightened charge. Massive Mayhem is accompanied by a fine of $300,000.

C-§12 Hostage Taking

Hostage Taking is a serious criminal offense involving the unlawful detention of one or more individuals with the intent of using them as leverage to achieve specific demands. This crime is characterized by the threat or act of restraining individuals against their will, often under threat of harm or violence. Given its severe impact on victims and the community, this charge is heavily penalized. Anyone found guilty of Hostage Taking will face a substantial fine of $210,000.

C-§13 Deprivation of Liberty

Deprivation of Liberty occurs when someone unlawfully restricts another's freedom of movement, either by confinement or through other means of impediment. This charge addresses violations where individuals are prevented from moving freely without lawful authority. Offenders found guilty of this crime are subject to a fine of $90,000. NB: that this charge cannot be applied in conjunction with a Hostage Taking charge.

C-§14 Illegal item ownership

Anyone found in the possession of an illegal item that is not included in N-§1 Narcotics or W-§2 Illegal Firearm Possession shall be liable for a fine of up to $60,000.

C-§15 Trespassing

Trespassing involves unauthorized entry or presence on property, particularly in sensitive areas like police stations and police headquarters. This offense carries a fine of $75,000.

Road Traffic Code (R)

R-§1 Reckless Driving

Participation in road traffic demands constant caution and mutual consideration. All individuals engaging in traffic must conduct themselves in a manner that does not harm, endanger, unnecessarily hinder, or inconvenience others. This includes ensuring that their vehicle's inspection is up to date to prevent any potential risks to safety. Failure to adhere to these standards, including the maintenance of vehicle inspection, will result in a fine of up to $4,000.

R-§2 Dangerous intervention in road traffic

Anyone who directly endangers the safety of road traffic through recklessness, thereby risking the life or limb of another road user, will be subject to a fine of $15,000.

R-§3 Hit-and-run

Anyone involved in an accident who leaves the accident scene without first taking measures to avert further danger or without making arrangements with the other parties involved in the accident will be subject to a fine of up to $90,000.

R-§4 Speed Limits

The speed limit outside built-up areas is 100 km/h.

The speed limit within built-up areas is 50 km/h.

The speed limit in the immediate vicinity of marketplaces is 30 km/h.

R-$4.1 Speeding Class 1 (1 - 20 km/h)

Exceeding the speed limit by 1 - 20 km/h. Fine: $30,000.

R-$4.2 Speeding Class 2 (21 - 50 km/h)

Exceeding the speed limit by 21 - 50 km/h. Fine: $50,000.

R-$4.3 Speeding Class 3 (51+ km/h)

Exceeding the speed limit by 51+ km/h. Fine: $100,000.

Narcotics Act (N)

N-§1 Narcotics

Under this legislation, the substances classified as narcotics include:

  • Cannabis
  • Mushrooms

Possession, purchase, or sale of these substances constitutes a criminal offense, punishable by a fine of $25,000.

Addition: Official government authorities may issue a time-limited special license for possession, contingent upon a thorough examination by the highest government authority. Should such a license be issued improperly or without just cause, an indictment will follow, and the licensee will be prosecuted under this section.

Weapon law (W)

W-§1 Weapon ownership

Every citizen of Everon is permitted under this legislation to own and carry a firearm. The following is a list of weapons currently classified as "legal":

• M9

• Colt 1911

• PM

• MP5A2

• MP7A2

• M16 (Semi-automatic only) This is only to be used for self-protection.

W-§2 Illegal Firearm Possession

Anyone who owns a weapon that is not listed in W§1 will be punished with imprisonment of 20 months (minutes) or a fine of $120,000. W-§3 Official possession of weapons (Special Ordinance)

W-§3 Official possession of weapons (Special Ordinance)

With this paragraph, members of official authorities (police) are permitted to possess any type of weapon while carrying out their official duties in line with the Everon Police Department’s Code of Conduct. W-§4 Weapons checks for illegal conversions (Special Ordinance)

W-§4 Weapons checks for illegal conversions (Special Ordinance)

With reasonable suspicion, a law enforcement officer is authorised to check weapons for illegal conversions. The suspicion must be communicated verbally to the gun owner. If the gun owner attempts to evade the check, he will be penalised in accordance with C§4 of the Criminal Code and the weapon may be confiscated.

W-§5 Illegal discharge of a firearm

Anyone found guilty of discharging any firearm in an unlawful manner shall be liable for a fine of up to $100,000.

State Prison

Aside from the charge of murder, citizens shall not be incarcerated at the State Prison without first being offered the opportunity to settle their fines. However, this right may be withdrawn under specific circumstances:

  1. if revoked by a Police Captain or higher ranking official,
  2. or if the individual has committed the crime on multiple occasions (at least three times) or poses a credible threat of reoffending, in which case a Police Sergeant or higher may revoke their right to pay a fine in lieu of incarceration.

Important to note that in cases where the accused crime is murder, the citizen will be incarcerated without the option to pay bond, underscoring the gravity of this offense.

Upon arrival at the State Prison, an officer is required to remind the offender of the charges against them, inform them of the duration of their incarceration (determined at and by the Prison Custody Office), and may decide to notify them that all personal items will be confiscated. Offenders will be issued State Prison overalls and prison slippers, which they are to wear for the duration of their sentence. To inquire about the remaining time of their sentence, inmates can speak to the prison staff member who is always present in the yard.

Upon the completion of your prison sentence, you will be permitted to leave the official grounds of the State Prison. Please note that the State Prison does not provide a taxi service.