Police Application


Applying for the Police Force

Joining the Police Force requires meeting specific criteria to ensure the quality and dedication of our officers.

We urge all applicants to familiarize themselves with our In-Game Rules, with a particular focus on law enforcement roleplay standards.

The comprehensive list of ELAN's Game Servers rules can be found here.

Minimum Requirements for Application

  1. A verified Discord Account.
  2. No C7 role on the Discord. (Mute)
  3. Minimum of 50-hours played on our servers.
  4. In game reputation above Neutral

Important References

Before completing your application, we strongly encourage all potential applicants to familiarize themselves with the following key resources to ensure a thorough understanding of our community's standards and expectations:

  • The Police Department - Gain insight into the roles, responsibilities, and ethos of the Everon Police Department.

Approval Process

Applications are thoroughly reviewed by the police council to ensure compatibility with the Police Force's values and roleplay standards. Past suspensions or violations may impact the application, necessitating a demonstration of improved behavior and commitment to the EPD.

How to Apply

Navigate to the Police Application section on the ELAN Discord.
Failure to meet the pre-requisite requirements.
Confirmation of a successful Police Application submission.

Submitting a Police Application

When you meet all the requirements you can start your application process. To apply, go to the #applications channel under the Police catagory on our Discord and select the "Submit an application" button. A ticket will be created, where you leave your written police application. This application should fullfill the critirea of the picture shown on the right side. There is no set minimum word count, but 1-3 setences won't be enough.

The goal is to represent your rp-character to the EPD. You may include his/her character's backstory, values, and reasons for joining the EPD. Write a book if you have to!

Roleplay Interview

A key part of the application process the interview, where applicants must demonstrate their ability to create and portray a detailed law enforcement character. This interview will be scheduled with you after your intial application has been approved.

*Submissions must be original and demonstrate a serious commitment to roleplay. AI-generated content is not accepted. Failure of this test results in a minimum waiting period of 14 days before reapplication is permitted.