The new skill system that was introduced in April 2023 contains 9 basic skills between level 1 and 20.

Every skill could be improved by different activities. In some cases professions also give a boni to xp gain for specific skills. Higher levels gives the player some benefits for the corresponding activity.

Your current skills can be checked via the playermenu or in the user panel.

Skill overview via playermenu

Skill overview

Skill Category Faction Profession
Gathering Collecting Civilian -
Mining Collecting Civilian Miner
Wood chopping Collecting Civilian -
Smelting Processing Civilian Blacksmith
Honey spinning Processing Civilian Beekeeper
Vacuum packing Processing Civilian -
Carpentering Processing Civilian Carpenter
Oil refining Processing Civilian Refinery worker
Parcel delivering Other Civilian Parcel carrier


Gathering could be increased by apples, mushrooms and weed. Collecting nature that can be grown via the growing system gives slightly more experience.


Wood chopping