Team-ELAN | Wiki:About

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A minimalist logo featuring three horizontal bars in a gradient of lime green shades on a dark background, symbolizing connectivity or layers.
The Team ELAN logo


Welcome to the Team-ELAN Arma Life Wiki, a portal to the ultimate real-life role-playing experience in the Arma Reforger universe.

Our community-driven servers offer an authentic role-playing environment where your imagination is the limit. Whether you choose the life of a civilian, striving to build wealth through various jobs and interactions, or uphold justice within the Everon Police Department, every role is critical in our vivid, dynamic world.

Built by avid gamers, for gamers, our self-funded project is a labor of love, aiming to provide an escape into a fantasy realm where you can be anything from an apple picker to the Chief of Police.

Join us to explore endless possibilities, supported by a passionate community from all walks of life.

Feel free to explore our Wiki pages for a deeper dive into our universe, roles, and much more, enriching your experience and guiding your journey in our vibrant world.

Together, we create unforgettable stories.